I am currently getting the full amount as I am a single parent, if I move in with my partner, who doesn't earn much (15k-ish) will this mean I get less student support grants/loan or would it stay the same?
If I live with my partner and he is earning less than 15k is this taken into account for my student loan?
Yes, this will affect your loan alot. For a start you will not be eligible for the Special Grant but will have to change onto the Maintenance Grant. This grant is taken account of when you apply for benefits and housing etc. whereas the Special Grant is not. You will also not get as much loan. It could cost you over 鎷?,500 a year. In purely financial terms you would be better off living on your own.
If you do move, your loan and maintenance grant will be put with his income and the pair of you will get far less help with rent etc.
Best talk to your uni to get full information before you make any decisions.
If I live with my partner and he is earning less than 15k is this taken into account for my student loan?
My wages went up by 鎷?0 a week my sons loan was reduced by 鎷?200
If I live with my partner and he is earning less than 15k is this taken into account for my student loan?
I'm living in scotland so not sure if it's the same up here... when I applied they didn't even consider my girlfriend's wages - if you aren't married as far as they were concerned it was fine...
If I live with my partner and he is earning less than 15k is this taken into account for my student loan?
Unfortunately it will - I was getting the full amount available for part time students and alas when my partner moved in I lost it all! It is means tested so depends on the total amount of money coming in.
If I live with my partner and he is earning less than 15k is this taken into account for my student loan?
Yes it will most definatly to be honest it sucks but everything is means tested on the whole households income it may not be so bad since he is earning a low wage best to check with your local citizens information office just to be on the safe side. Im in a similar situation i cant move in with my partner because we wouldnt be able to afford everything because my benifits would be cut off thats why im living with my mam while we save for a mortgage and i get qualified.
If I live with my partner and he is earning less than 15k is this taken into account for my student loan?
Any money paid on your behalf must be reported when applying for financial assistance. So, if your partner is paying any bills (rent, utilities, etc.) that will need to be taken into consideration. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you will lose your aid eligibility. It just means that his contribution is also taken into consideration. I suggest using the EFC calculator at http://www.finaid.org and run the calculation twice...once using just your information, a second using yours and his information. Check out the results to see how the different calculation comes out for an idea on how your aid will be effected.
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