Her dad was the cosigner of the student loan. My wife just recently went back to work. What will happen? She is currently trying to arrange payment plans. But will I still be responsible? Or her dad? Thank you.
Will I receive my federal tax? I found out that my wife has an unpaid student loan. We filed joint.?
I agree with the other answers. She and her dad are responsible for the loan.
They will most likely take your refund if you have one coming.
Good luck.
Will I receive my federal tax? I found out that my wife has an unpaid student loan. We filed joint.?
She and her dad are responsible. But if you filed a joint return, and didn't file an injured spouse form with it, the entire refund can be taken.
Will I receive my federal tax? I found out that my wife has an unpaid student loan. We filed joint.?
Both will be responsible...If they take your tax refund or not depends on how long it has been in default, I really do not know but have heard that it has to be in default for 8 or 9 months before they take your tax refund...
Will I receive my federal tax? I found out that my wife has an unpaid student loan. We filed joint.?
The U.S. Dept of %26quot;education%26quot; will have the IRS steal your refund and direct it to their agency. You will have to fill out an IRS form 8379 injured spouse so that your wife can receive her portion of the refund. It usually takes 8-12 weeks for her to get her portion.
Will I receive my federal tax? I found out that my wife has an unpaid student loan. We filed joint.?
Ey sup emeraldandtopaz
Im not exactly sure what you looking for...
But I found this site below and from the looks of it I think it would be a lot of help...
anyways, gud luck emeraldandtopaz
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